Constructivist Psychotherapy

R. Neimeyer
Constructivist Psychotherapy
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Constructivist psychotherapy focuses on the meaning that clients attribute to their world, and the way that this shapes their life and contributes to their difficulties. In this book, Robert A. Neimeyer, a leading figure in the field, provides a clear and accessible explanation of the key features of this approach. "Constructivist Psychotherapy: Distinctive Features" concentrates on the 30 key commitments that distinguish constructivism from other cognitive behavioural perspectives. Divided into two sections - Theory and Practice - this straightforward book is illustrated throughout with case material and recent research findings. Neimeyer provides us with a fresh perspective on familiar material, together with a clear, concise introduction to material that the reader may be less familiar with, making this book a valuable text for professionals in training as well as a source of new ideas for practising therapists of constructivist psychotherapy.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-415-44234-3, 9780415442343
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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