Comparative International Accounting takes a comprehensive look at the international dimensions of financial accounting and reporting. Whilst the majority of chapters have been written by the book's two main authors, the text includes several contributions from a diverse group of international experts, all of whom are leading practitioners or academics. The text is split into four distinct parts with Part 1 giving an overview of international differences in accounting and financial reporting. Part 2 examines individual countries and includes country studies of UK, US, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Japan, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Scandinavia, Central and Eastern Europe and China. Part 3 looks at issues in financial accounting and the final part looks at analysis and management issues. Includes chapters on International Accounting Standards (Chapter 6) and Liabilities (Chapter 15) The structure and content of the main country chapters have been revised and standardised to present a more cohesive comparison. Each country chapter contains a list of differences from international standards. Learning objectives have been introduced at the start of each chapter and extra questions have been added to several chapters. The text has been thoroughly revised and updated in its eighth edition. Companion website at