Cognitive Therapy in a Nutshell

M. Neenan
Cognitive Therapy in a Nutshell
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Cognitive therapy is one of the most widely used approaches within counselling and psychotherapy today. As such, there is a wealth of literature on offer to the newcomer, which can sometimes be overwhelming for those seeking an initial understanding of the approach. Cognitive Therapy in a Nutshell solves this problem by providing the key elements of cognitive therapy theory and practice in a very concise and accessible way. Cognitive therapy teaches clients that there is always more than one way of seeing events, and therefore that their viewpoint is largely a matter of choice. Helping clients to develop and maintain more helpful viewpoints in tackling their problems is the focus of the therapy. Cognitive Therapy in a Nutshell offers clear explanations of the fundamental models used to treat clients including the information-processing model, and the three cognitive levels examined during therapy - automatic thoughts, underlying assumptions/rules, and core beliefs (schemas). The authors also provide a valuable case study of a client with a social phobia to demonstrate how cognitive therapy works in action. Cognitive Therapy in a Nutshell also explores the techniques involved in: o eliciting and examining negative automatic thoughts; o uncovering and examining underlying assumptions, rules and core beliefs; o maintaining gains from therapy. This book will be invaluable to those coming to cognitive therapy for the first time, and who want to gain a full understanding of the basics of the approach. Windy Dryden currently works at Goldsmiths College where he is Professor of Psychotherapeutic Studies as well as being the Programme Co-ordinator of the MSc in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and the Diploma in Cognitive Approaches to Counselling and Psychotherapy. Michael Neenan works for the Centre for Stress Management, Blackheath.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-4129-0769-9, 9781412907699
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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