Soundly based in the research literature and theory, this comprehensive introductory text is a practical guide to teaching physical education to the elementary school child. Its skill theme approach guides teachers in the process of assisting children develop their motor skills and physical fitness through developmentally appropriate activities.The Movement Analysis "Wheel": This edition includes the full-color, removable Movement Analysis "Wheelż that can be used by students and teachers to more fully understand the skill theme approach and apply it with children. Activities related to incorporating and using the żwheelż appear at the end of the chapters. Revised Coverage of Children with Special Needs: A completely revised Chapter 6, which addresses diversity, provides multiple strategies that allow teachers to meaningfully engage all children in physical education--whatever their background or mental or physical ability. New full-color design: The seventh edition features a completely new, appealing full-color design that brings the childrenżs artwork, photographs, and other features to life. Teaching Diverse Learners: The new edition offers increased emphasis on teaching diverse learners, as well as an expanded concept of diversity. National Standards: Updated coverage reflects the current standards from the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. Reorganization of Chapters 11: "Developing Content" and Chapter 12: "Observing Student Responses": Chapter 11 describes how teachers organize content into meaningful experiences by developing a logical progression of tasks, cues, and challenges designed to make physical education classes a true learning experience. Chapter 12 then provides examples of ways teachers can assess student responses to determine if learning has occurred. On the Move Lesson Plans Online Formerly available as a separate printed book, Shirley Holt-Halesż Lesson Plans On the Move, are now available online free to students who purchased new books. The passcode card bound into the book provides access to concept lessons for the teaching of fitness for children, physical activity lessons for classroom teachers at recess, as well as introduction to concepts and skills and a new section on curriculum mapping and the teaching of themes. Coverage of Basic Teaching Skills: Part II, "Teaching Skills," covers important topics like planning, adapting lessons for individual differences, useful teacher feedback, and assessments. A strong background in educationally sound theory and information on applying these theories will make the students who read Children Moving better teachers. Emphasis on Reflective Teaching: The text introduces the concept of adapting lessons to the individual needs, interests, and abilities of a wide range of youngsters. Standards-Based: The text integrates coverage of the NASPE national standards throughout. The NASPE guide Moving into the Future, Second Edition, is packaged free with every new copy of this text! Physical Fitness and Physical Activity: The text details the connection between physical fitness and physical activity and includes an updated discussion of developmentally appropriate physical fitness for children. Companion Website: A text-specific Online Learning Center offers valuable resources for both instructors and students, including an Instructorżs Manual, a PowerPoint presentations, PowerWeb research articles, links to professional organizations, quizzes, and more. Effective Pedagogy: Each chapter includes a list of key topics that are essential for delivering effective and interesting lessons. The skill theme chapters feature practical assessment guides throughout. Focus on Skill Themes: The skill theme approach guides teachers in developing the motor skills of children by providing hundreds of developmentally appropriate activities as opposed to just listing a series of unrelated games and "just for fun" activities. Teachers learn how to adapt lessons so they are appropriate to the development skill level of all children, rather than using grade level as an indication of readiness. They also learn why such an approach is, or should be, part of coordinated school health that is linked to interdisciplinary learning and the national curriculum standards.