Chemistry of Process Development in Fine Chemical 2e

S. Rao
Chemistry of Process Development in Fine Chemical 2e
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This book brings together the chemical strategies used in the optimisation of organic reactions and processes, and highlights the practical and technological options available. This book offers: *an encyclopedic treatment of organic chemistry from an industrial, process research and development, and manufacturing point of view *plenty of examples to illustrate the scope and limitation of the strategies *a comprehensive index organised by topic, reaction type, and reagent *an extensive literature survey. This is an essential and comprehensive guide for experienced practitioners of chemical process research and development, fresh recruits to chemical industry R&D divisions, and academics who are interested in interacting with the chemical industry, optimising their synthetic strategies, and enriching the field of atom economy.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-470-31995-6, 9780470319956
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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