Chemistry of Anilines 2 vols

Z. Rappoport
Chemistry of Anilines 2 vols
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Aniline is the parent molecule of a vast family of aromatic amines. Since its discovery in 1826 it has become one of the hundred most important building blocks in chemistry. Aniline is used as an intermediate in many different fields of applications, such as isocyanates, rubber processing chemicals, dyes and pigments, agricultural chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The understanding of functional groups is key for the understanding of all organic chemistry. In the tradition of the Patai Series, this volume treats all aspects of this functional group. It contains chapters on the theoretical and computational foundations; on analytical and spectroscopical aspects with dedicated chapters on Mass Spectrometry, NMR, IR/UV, etc.; on reaction mechanisms; on applications in syntheses.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-470-87171-3, 9780470871713
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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