Chemistry, Second Edition, by Julia Burdge has been created to bridge the gap in the McGraw-Hill general chemistry offerings. This textbook offers a clear writing style written with the students in mind. Julia uses her background of teaching hundreds of general chemistry students per year and creates content to offer more detailed explanation on areas where she knows they have problems.
Sitting down with the art house, Julia Burdge worked with the artist to create the style and major art pieces in her text. Out of these discussions, came the creation of the Visualizing Art two-page spreads which detail a process for the students and provide them with the answer to "What is the Point?" Due the success of the art with students, this offering has been doubled in the second edition.
With outstanding art, a consistent problem-solving approach, interesting applications woven throughout the chapters, and a wide range of end-of-chapter problems, this is a great second edition text.Key featuresExciting visual program of both unique and conventional figures. Enhance student understanding of chemical concepts by Visualizing Chemistry process pieces, macro-micro art, and three-dimensional art. The art breaks down the chemical processes from complex into simpler, more user-friendly concepts Eight new Visualizing Chemistry art pieces for second edition: Determination of ?Hrxn by Constant-pressure Calorimetry, Determination of Specific Heat by Constant-Pressure Calorimetry, Born-Haber Cycle, Molar Volume of a Gas, Using Ka and Concentration to Determine pH of a Weak Acid, Entropy, Construction of Galvanic Cell, Nuclear Fission and Fusion.Translates chemical processes and events into an understandable concept for comprehension allowing easier learning for all learning styles.Julia Burdge recognized that current textbooks attempt to ?talk? students through difficult chemical processes. In developing her art program she breaks down chemical processes to show more steps than what all other texts currently show. See pg. 114, fig 4.1.What do you look for when evaluating artwork? Why?Consistent problem-solving skill development. Fostering a consistent approach to problem-solving provides the skill set for a student to master the basic of critical thinking. Each Sample Problem is followed by two practice problems. The practice problem allows the student to solve a problem using the steps in the Sample Problem. The second practice problem provides the student to solve the same basic problems from a different point of view.The problem solving method teaches logical and critical thinking skills. If the student can develop a sound approach to thinking through problems they will do well in this course and in their future careers.Each problem models for the student to assemble a plan before starting to ensure they understand the question, and then to check their final solution to see if it makes sense. MH texts (Silberberg, Burdge, & Chang) are the only texts in the market that consistently encourage students to think logically ? Every sample problem is followed up with at least one similar problem for the student to try on their own. When a second problem is provided, it tests the same skills in a slightly different way (more challenging or may incorporate learning objectives from multiple chapters). ? To take this one step further, we include Burdge?s problems and problem solving approach within ARIS.Do your students struggle with problem solving? How do you address this? How does your current text address this? OR What problems does this cause you and your students?Engaging real-life examples and applications. Each chapter is introduced and closed (bookends) by an interesting story of something familiar such as lasers and chemotherapy. Bringing Chemistry to Life is an integrated segment in the text which brings out such topics as Heat Capacity and Hypothermia or Catalysis and Hangovers. FAQ Boxes are answers to interesting "how to" questions to help the students succeed in studying and learning. What is Entropy Really?The applications bring chemistry in the life of the student. They address real world situations that the student encounters or might encounter. Many examples pertain to life science and engineering applications.Throughout the text, be it in her chapter examples, boxed readings, sample problems, or end of chapter problems, Julia Burdge is constantly showing students how the chemistry they are reading, applies to real world situations. Look at: Example ? Chap 3 opening (Chemical Reactions in Chemotherapy), Prob 3.2 (Lithium as a drug), Prob 3.2b (Tylenol), Bringing Chemistry to Life Box (Stoichiometry of Metabolism), Prob 3.4 (milk fat), Applying What You?ve Learned (tie into Chap Opening on cancer drugs), End of Chap Prob 3.11 (Fertilizers).How do you like to see chemistry related to the real world? OR What do you do to help your students that struggle with applying chemistry?Outstanding pedagogy for student learning. The CheckPoints, Rewind and Fast Forward Buttons are meant to enhance student understanding and comprehension by reinforcing current concepts and interconnecting new concepts to others throughout the text. Students are using and asking for more Checkpoints as a study tool. The author has added numerous new Checkpoint multiple-choice questions, many with visuals, testing the student's understanding of a concept.Tools for study and learning help the student focus on concepts while providing a guide to connecting current material to other material learned or to be learned.Pre-Professional Exam Question at the end of every chapters' problems provides a question with 2-4 multiple choice answers at a higher level thinking skill base for student practice. The main question is based upon content presented in the chapter.Provides the student practice for future standardized tests for further schooling.Integrated media applications: animations, Media Player files, and ARIS. Animations have been built from the Visualizing Chemistry two-page art spreads stepping out a process for the student to visualize and learn. There are seven new animations for the second edition. The animations are narrated by the author, Julia Burdge and designated in the text by a Media Player icon. Other areas in the chapter where content is available for the student to download on their Media Player is also marked with an icon. More animations are also included and designated by an icon next to the appropriate content. Finally, end-of-chapter problems are within our ARIS electronic course management and electronic homework system.Easy to see where media is intergrated for students and professors. One place to go for all media--ARIS.Content in Chapter 25 is on Modern Materials including polymer, ceramics and composite, liquid crystals, biomedical materials, nanotechnology, semiconductors, and superconductors.The modern material chapter combines several areas of chemistry (bonding, organic, intermolecular structure) into content applicable to our life. As they build their knowledge with a compilation of many chemical facts, the student can then apply as chemistry as they move into their future careers.McGraw-Hill's ARIS - Assessment, Review, and Instruction System for Chemistry by Julia Burdge is a complete electronic homework and course management system. Instructors can create and share course materials and assignments with colleagues with a few clicks of the mouse. All PowerPoint lectures, assignments, quizzes, and animations are directly tied to text-specific materials. Instructors can also edit questions and algorithms, import their own content, and create announcements and due dates for assignments. ARIS has automatic grading and reporting of easy-to-assign algorithmically generated homework, quizzing, and testing. All student activity within McGraw-Hill's ARIS is automatically recorded and available to the instructor through a fully integrated grade book that can be downloaded to Excel. Go to to learn more.Automatic grading and reporting of easy-to-assign algorithmically generated homework, quizzing and testing.Presentation Center - Build instructional materials wherever, whenever, and however you want! Presentation Center is an online digital library containing assets such as photos, artwork, animations, PowerPoints, and other types of media that can be used to create customized lectures, visually enhanced tests and quizzes, compelling course websites, or attractive printed support materials. Access to your book, access to all books! This ever-growing resource gives instructors the power to utilize assets specific to their adopted textbook as well as content from other McGraw-Hill books in the library. Presentation Center's dynamic search engine allows you to explore by discipline, course, textbook chapter, asset type, or keyword. Simply browse, select, and download the files you need to build engaging course materials. All assets are copyrighted by McGraw-Hill Higher Education but can be used by instructors for classroom purposes.eInstruction questions are available with this project and can be found within the ARIS site for this text. eInstruction is a wireless student response system that allows for the ultimate in classroom participation, giving you immediate feedback from every student.Professors who use eInstruction have question already prepared for each chapter to use in their lecture presentations.NEW appendix-- Solubility Product Constants at 25 degrees C.All content that is needed to solve solubility problems is in one place that is easily accessible for the student.
Sitting down with the art house, Julia Burdge worked with the artist to create the style and major art pieces in her text. Out of these discussions, came the creation of the Visualizing Art two-page spreads which detail a process for the students and provide them with the answer to "What is the Point?" Due the success of the art with students, this offering has been doubled in the second edition.
With outstanding art, a consistent problem-solving approach, interesting applications woven throughout the chapters, and a wide range of end-of-chapter problems, this is a great second edition text.Key featuresExciting visual program of both unique and conventional figures. Enhance student understanding of chemical concepts by Visualizing Chemistry process pieces, macro-micro art, and three-dimensional art. The art breaks down the chemical processes from complex into simpler, more user-friendly concepts Eight new Visualizing Chemistry art pieces for second edition: Determination of ?Hrxn by Constant-pressure Calorimetry, Determination of Specific Heat by Constant-Pressure Calorimetry, Born-Haber Cycle, Molar Volume of a Gas, Using Ka and Concentration to Determine pH of a Weak Acid, Entropy, Construction of Galvanic Cell, Nuclear Fission and Fusion.Translates chemical processes and events into an understandable concept for comprehension allowing easier learning for all learning styles.Julia Burdge recognized that current textbooks attempt to ?talk? students through difficult chemical processes. In developing her art program she breaks down chemical processes to show more steps than what all other texts currently show. See pg. 114, fig 4.1.What do you look for when evaluating artwork? Why?Consistent problem-solving skill development. Fostering a consistent approach to problem-solving provides the skill set for a student to master the basic of critical thinking. Each Sample Problem is followed by two practice problems. The practice problem allows the student to solve a problem using the steps in the Sample Problem. The second practice problem provides the student to solve the same basic problems from a different point of view.The problem solving method teaches logical and critical thinking skills. If the student can develop a sound approach to thinking through problems they will do well in this course and in their future careers.Each problem models for the student to assemble a plan before starting to ensure they understand the question, and then to check their final solution to see if it makes sense. MH texts (Silberberg, Burdge, & Chang) are the only texts in the market that consistently encourage students to think logically ? Every sample problem is followed up with at least one similar problem for the student to try on their own. When a second problem is provided, it tests the same skills in a slightly different way (more challenging or may incorporate learning objectives from multiple chapters). ? To take this one step further, we include Burdge?s problems and problem solving approach within ARIS.Do your students struggle with problem solving? How do you address this? How does your current text address this? OR What problems does this cause you and your students?Engaging real-life examples and applications. Each chapter is introduced and closed (bookends) by an interesting story of something familiar such as lasers and chemotherapy. Bringing Chemistry to Life is an integrated segment in the text which brings out such topics as Heat Capacity and Hypothermia or Catalysis and Hangovers. FAQ Boxes are answers to interesting "how to" questions to help the students succeed in studying and learning. What is Entropy Really?The applications bring chemistry in the life of the student. They address real world situations that the student encounters or might encounter. Many examples pertain to life science and engineering applications.Throughout the text, be it in her chapter examples, boxed readings, sample problems, or end of chapter problems, Julia Burdge is constantly showing students how the chemistry they are reading, applies to real world situations. Look at: Example ? Chap 3 opening (Chemical Reactions in Chemotherapy), Prob 3.2 (Lithium as a drug), Prob 3.2b (Tylenol), Bringing Chemistry to Life Box (Stoichiometry of Metabolism), Prob 3.4 (milk fat), Applying What You?ve Learned (tie into Chap Opening on cancer drugs), End of Chap Prob 3.11 (Fertilizers).How do you like to see chemistry related to the real world? OR What do you do to help your students that struggle with applying chemistry?Outstanding pedagogy for student learning. The CheckPoints, Rewind and Fast Forward Buttons are meant to enhance student understanding and comprehension by reinforcing current concepts and interconnecting new concepts to others throughout the text. Students are using and asking for more Checkpoints as a study tool. The author has added numerous new Checkpoint multiple-choice questions, many with visuals, testing the student's understanding of a concept.Tools for study and learning help the student focus on concepts while providing a guide to connecting current material to other material learned or to be learned.Pre-Professional Exam Question at the end of every chapters' problems provides a question with 2-4 multiple choice answers at a higher level thinking skill base for student practice. The main question is based upon content presented in the chapter.Provides the student practice for future standardized tests for further schooling.Integrated media applications: animations, Media Player files, and ARIS. Animations have been built from the Visualizing Chemistry two-page art spreads stepping out a process for the student to visualize and learn. There are seven new animations for the second edition. The animations are narrated by the author, Julia Burdge and designated in the text by a Media Player icon. Other areas in the chapter where content is available for the student to download on their Media Player is also marked with an icon. More animations are also included and designated by an icon next to the appropriate content. Finally, end-of-chapter problems are within our ARIS electronic course management and electronic homework system.Easy to see where media is intergrated for students and professors. One place to go for all media--ARIS.Content in Chapter 25 is on Modern Materials including polymer, ceramics and composite, liquid crystals, biomedical materials, nanotechnology, semiconductors, and superconductors.The modern material chapter combines several areas of chemistry (bonding, organic, intermolecular structure) into content applicable to our life. As they build their knowledge with a compilation of many chemical facts, the student can then apply as chemistry as they move into their future careers.McGraw-Hill's ARIS - Assessment, Review, and Instruction System for Chemistry by Julia Burdge is a complete electronic homework and course management system. Instructors can create and share course materials and assignments with colleagues with a few clicks of the mouse. All PowerPoint lectures, assignments, quizzes, and animations are directly tied to text-specific materials. Instructors can also edit questions and algorithms, import their own content, and create announcements and due dates for assignments. ARIS has automatic grading and reporting of easy-to-assign algorithmically generated homework, quizzing, and testing. All student activity within McGraw-Hill's ARIS is automatically recorded and available to the instructor through a fully integrated grade book that can be downloaded to Excel. Go to to learn more.Automatic grading and reporting of easy-to-assign algorithmically generated homework, quizzing and testing.Presentation Center - Build instructional materials wherever, whenever, and however you want! Presentation Center is an online digital library containing assets such as photos, artwork, animations, PowerPoints, and other types of media that can be used to create customized lectures, visually enhanced tests and quizzes, compelling course websites, or attractive printed support materials. Access to your book, access to all books! This ever-growing resource gives instructors the power to utilize assets specific to their adopted textbook as well as content from other McGraw-Hill books in the library. Presentation Center's dynamic search engine allows you to explore by discipline, course, textbook chapter, asset type, or keyword. Simply browse, select, and download the files you need to build engaging course materials. All assets are copyrighted by McGraw-Hill Higher Education but can be used by instructors for classroom purposes.eInstruction questions are available with this project and can be found within the ARIS site for this text. eInstruction is a wireless student response system that allows for the ultimate in classroom participation, giving you immediate feedback from every student.Professors who use eInstruction have question already prepared for each chapter to use in their lecture presentations.NEW appendix-- Solubility Product Constants at 25 degrees C.All content that is needed to solve solubility problems is in one place that is easily accessible for the student.