Cast in Shadow

Michelle Sagara
Cast in Shadow
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Seven years ago Kaylin fled the crime-riddled streets of Nightshade, knowing that something was after her. Children were being murdered — and all had the same odd markings that mysteriously appeared on her own skin... Since then, she's learned to read, she's learned to fight and she's become one of the vaunted Hawks who patrol and police the City of Elantra. Alongside the winged Aerians and immortal Barrani, she's made a place for herself, far from the mean streets of her birth. But children are once again dying, and a dark and familiar pattern is emerging, Kaylin is ordered back into Nightshade with a partner she knows she can't trust, a Dragon lord for a companion and a device to contain her powers — powers that no other human has. Her task is simple — find the killer, stop the murders... and survive the attentions of those who claim to be her allies!  
Tytuł oryginalny: Cast in Moonlight
Data wydania: 2005-07-01
ISBN: 0-373-80254-4, 0373802544
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Luna
Cykl: Chronicles of Elantra, tom 1
Stron: 507

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