Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research

G. Carmen
Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research
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This nursing research text focuses on how to read, understand, analyze, and evaluate research for utilization in clinical practice. Acclaimed for its readability, clear presentation, and balanced coverage of quantitative and qualitative nursing research, the text provides in-depth research utilization and utilization models in current practice. Four chapters of the award-winning 5th edition have been fully revised to reflect the needs of the Canadian market. Revised features include: a focus on the political and economic realities affecting Canadian nursing research; Canadian, United Kingdom and Australian research examples added throughout; and aspects of Canada's historical background, legislation, codes of ethics, principles of justice, policy statements, guidelines and other documents. Student Objectives and New Terms at the beginning of chapters, as well as Summary Points, Suggested Readings and Critical Thinking Activities at the end of chapters, provide students with sound learning techniques and challenges to further develop cognitive skills.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-7817-4281-8, 9780781742818
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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