Bodleian Library Oxford v.1

Linda Dennison
Bodleian Library Oxford v.1
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In this new series of fascicles, all images contained in English Late Gothic manuscripts from libraries throughout the world will be catalogued according to a carefully prescribed template, described, classified, indexed and often illustrated. The series will provide a 'pictorial index' to the wide-ranging subject matter illustrated in manuscripts of the period and act as a unique reference tool for students of history, literature, sociology, religion and art. Facscicle 1, the first of three devoted to manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, catalogues more than 360 15th-centure manuscripts. The volume also includes an introductory essay on the project, a detailed glossary of subjects and terms, and exhaustive indexes of (i) Authors and Texts; (ii) Pictorial Subjects and (iii) Manuscripts with Coats of Arms.
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-1-872501-15-4, 9781872501154
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Harvey Miler Publishers

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