Biomedical Applications of Electroactive Polymer Actuators

F. Carpi
Biomedical Applications of Electroactive Polymer Actuators
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Giving fundamental information on one of the most promising families of smart materials, electroactive polymers (EAP) this exciting new titles focuses on the several biomedical applications made possible by these types of materials and their related actuation technologies. Each chapter provides a description of the specific EAP material and device configuration used, material processing, device assembling and testing, along with a description of the biomedical application. Edited by well-respected academics in the field of electroactive polymers with contributions from renowned international experts, this is an excellent resource for industrial and academic research scientists, engineers, technicians and graduate students working with polymer actuators or in the fields of polymer science.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-470-77305-5, 9780470773055
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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