This handbook is designed for students in health and medical courses to help them prepare and make the most of their intercultural placements. Written by Hamish Graham, a fifth year medical student at Monash University, the book draws on the experience of many students involved in intercultural placements. The book has a very casual, accessible style with a light hearted approach which students will relate well to. It provides practical tips and essential information about choosing the best type of placement, how to set up a placement and ways to cope during and after. It is a useful beginnerĹźs guide with bullet points, check boxes, real case studies and scenarios from previous students which help provide a framework for problems they may encounter. Most sections have exercises and direct students to further resources.* Covers all aspects of planning and ways to optimise an intercultural placement* Written specifically for students in health related studies in Australia and NZ * Practical and concise handbook with helpful tips, bullet points and check lists* Easy to read and accessible format* Real case studies and scenarios from previous students* Handy pocket size to take on placements