
Kody Chamberlain, Stefan Petrucha
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For a dozen years, the monster Grendel has haunted the Danish kingdom ruled over by Hrothgar. In the night, Grendel stalks the land, slaughtering all he meets. When food is scarce, he raids the king's high hall, devouring warriors and hauling others back to his dank home in the marshes. Word of the monster spreads far and wide, and from across the sea comes the warrior Beowulf to battle the monster and free the Danes from Grendel's reign of terror. Written some fifteen hundred years ago, Beowulf is the first epic work in English and tells a tale of heroism in the face of a wild and unknowable evil. For this graphic novel version of the story, Stefan Petrucha has adapted the story for middle graders, bringing all the bravery and bloodshed to life in a form for fans of the Hollywood movie or of superheroes of any stripe. Beowulf was the first superhero; a long tradition starts with this poem.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-06-134390-2, 9780061343902
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Harper Collins Publications UK

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