Bayesian Analysis for the Social Sciences

S. Jackman
Bayesian Analysis for the Social Sciences
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Bayesian methods are increasingly being used in the social sciences, as the problems encountered lend themselves so naturally to the subjective qualities of Bayesian methodology. This book provides an accessible introduction to Bayesian methods, tailored specifically for social science students. It contains lots of real examples from political science, psychology, sociology, and economics, exercises in all chapters, and detailed descriptions of all the key concepts, without assuming any background in statistics beyond a first course. It features examples of how to implement the methods using WinBUGS an open-source statistical software. The book is supported by a Website featuring WinBUGS and R code, data sets, and solutions to exercises.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-470-01154-6, 9780470011546
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Blackwell Science

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