This book is an introduction to the essential features of the analysis and design of information systems, and is aimed at students embarking on the study of information systems development. It is suitable for first and second year under-graduates and those on further education diploma courses, together with students converting from non-computing or IS degrees to a masterżs degree in these subjects. SSADM version 4+ is used as the medium for discussing the modelling of information systems, present and proposed, and for relational data analysis. It includes an introduction to the analysis of requirements for information systems and a brief exposition of soft systems methodology. Decision tables, decision trees and structured English are also presented in order to describe the processes carries out in information systems. Bridging the analysis of the current information system and the design of a new one, the book presents the various procedures of logicalisation and RDA. The design of screens and reports is covered, as well as some of the ethical and social implications of new computer systems on end-users.SSADM version 4+ is used as the medium for discussing the modelling of information systems, present and proposed, and for relational data analysis (RDA or normalisation). An introduction to the analysis of requirements for information systems includes a brief exposition of soft systems metholodgy (SSM). Also, in order to describe the processes carried out in information systems, there is a presentation of the techniques of decision tables, decision trees and structured English.|Does not ignore the very important area for the budding systems analyst of writing reports.|Bridging the analysis of the current information system and the design of the new one, the book presents the various procedures of logicalisation and RDA. The design of screens and reports is covered as well as some of the ethical and social implications of new computer systems on the people they affect.|Normalisation is covered using the four-column method, which students find easier to understand. Several types of normalisation are covered, including; those requiring single, multiple and foreign keys; those where UNF or INF is also 3NF.|Includes OO diagrams and some simple UML to enable students to keep up with predicted industry trends.|Strong pedagogy including boxed summaries throughout the text; highlighted key terms; chapter objectives; boxed hints and pointers; examples and problems, which aid understanding of the subjects|Presented in a clear and coherant way, providing the student unfamiliar with the subject with and unintimidating introduction.