At Some Disputed Barricade

Anne Perry
At Some Disputed Barricade
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It's July 1917, and as the sun sets over No-man's-land so Joseph Reavley's heart sinks with it. As chaplain he must keep up the men's morale, but as rumours of mutiny grow stronger he is losing any chance of getting through to them. After the death of an officer, twelve soldiers are arrested, and it falls to Joseph to uncover the truth about their involvement. Joseph's brother Matthew, of the S.I.S, is also in pursuit of the truth, whilst struggling to come to terms with his part in the Peacemaker's death. Approached by a Junior Cabinet Minister who is being blackmailed, Matthew learns of a plot to destroy the only men who can bring about lasting peace. As he embarks on an investigation Matthew knows his own life is in danger but thinks it a small price to pay to secure the future of millions of people.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-345-49801-4, 9780345498014
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Random House


Anne Perry Anne Perry (ur. Juliet Hulme Marion w Blackheath w Londynie w dniu 28 października 1938) angielska autorka kryminałów. Perry została skazana za zamordowanie przyjaciela jej matki w 1954 roku (patrz -Hulme morderstwo Parker ). Córka Dr Henry Hulme, an...

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Pogrzeb we fiolecie Śmierć nieznajomego Świąteczna podróż Brama zdrajców Klub Ognia Piekielnego A CHRISTMAS PROMISE A Christmans guest At Some Disputed Barricade BUCKINGHAM PALACE GARDENS Christmas Beginning Christmas Grace DIE VERSCHWORUNG VON WHITECHAPEL Dark Assasin Execution Dock Half Moon Street TRANSGRESSIONS 2
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