Eastern aestheticsA visual exploration of graphic design from Mumbai to TokyoAsia is home to roughly 60% of the world's population—around 4billion people in over 50 countries—yet the continent covers lessthan 9% of the world's surface. With China and India leading in growth andJapan being the most technological place on the planet, Asian graphicdesign has a lot to contribute to creativity around the world. Theaesthetics that have developed in the region, blending tradition and aforward-looking approach to contemporary culture, cannot be seen anywhereelse. In contrast to major players Japan and China, countries like Korea,Singapore, India, and Thailand also offer a very individual take on the useof graphics, typography, and many other in many related areas.Featuring the best and the most recent advertising campaigns, posters,brand-design projects, corporate identity, package design, and editorialdesign, Asian Graphics Now! is an inspirational and important book for anycreative student or professional.