Arts & Craft Architecture

Peter Davey
Arts & Craft Architecture
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This major survey gives a critical account of the lives, theories and work of the architects of the Arts and Crafts movement, which began in England and quickly influenced Europe and North America. It highlights the contradictions they tried to resolve in accommodating or rejecting the developments of the new machine age, and in meeting the cost of materials and craftsmanship which forced them to work mainly for a wealthy elite class. It shows how the ideas of the movement in¾uenced the California and Prairie Schools and Art Nouveau, and how it led ultimately to the development of neo-Georgianism and the growth of the machine-worshipping Modern Movement after the First World War.'The most useful - and inspiring - work on the subject.' (Architectural Review) 'A generous and widely researched history of the movement. Phaidon deserves all our thanks and admiration for their policy towards architectural publications.' (Building Design) Winner in the History category, American Institute of Architects International Architecture Book Awards, 1997 'This book looks at the lives, theories and work of the architects of the movement. It captures an epoch in architecture that captivated many and in some ways paved the way for modern architecture.' (AIA Jury)
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-0-7148-3711-6, 9780714837116
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Phaidon Press Ltd

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