Art of Talking to Anyone

R. Maggio
Art of Talking to Anyone
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Having strong social skills is crucial for anyone who wants to be successful in the workplace or in social situations. Yet when it comes to making small talk, most people find themselves literally at a loss for words. Now from the best-selling author of How to Say It comes a quick reference guide that provides readers with a fast fix for everyday conversations at work and in social situations. The Art of Talking to Anyone leads readers quickly and easily through conversations and situations they previously found intimidating and shows them effective techniques for every situation, including small talk at work, in meetings, at social events, on the phone, in public places, with friends or family, and even in romantic situations. Maggio discusses how to incorporate other successful elements into small talk, such as body language, eye contact, and whether and how to touch another person. For each type of conversational situation are: "If they say... You Say..." sections that provide actual dialogue, including multiple responses readers can give to typical questions that are asked in each situation. Bulleted dos and don'ts that offer quick, practical guidelines Tips on how to handle special situations, including what to do if a conversation turns difficult Lists of topics that are great to use for each type of situation Closing lines that allow you to gracefully move on, change topic, or get to the business at hand Quotations that add insight into using conversation for success in each situation With The Art of Talking to Anyone, readers will learn to be confident and interesting - and successful - in all work and social situations.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-07-145229-8, 9780071452298
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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