This book is the first comprehensive presentation of the principles and tools available for programming multiprocessor machines. It is of immediate use to programmers working with the new architectures. For example, the next generation of computer game consoles will all be multiprocessor-based, and the game industry is currently struggling to understand how to address the programming challenges presented by these machines. This change in the industry is so fundamental that it is certain to require a significant response by universities, and courses on multicore programming will become a staple of computer science curriculums.The authors are well known and respected in this community and both teach and conduct research in this area. Prof. Maurice Herlihy is on the faculty of Brown University. He is the recipient of the 2003 Dijkstra Prize in distributed computing. Prof. Nir Shavit is on the faculty of Tel-Aviv University and a member of the technical staff at Sun Microsystems Laboratories. In 2004 they shared the Godel Prize, the highest award in theoretical computer science. This is the book on multicore programming, the new paradigm of computer science.It is written by the world's most revered experts in multiprocessor programming and performance. It includes examples, models, exercises, PowerPoint slides, and sample Java programs.