Architecture of Today

James Steele, Andreas Papadakis
Architecture of Today
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The 1980s saw a new generation of architects advocating a rich, pluralist style of architecture, both complex and contradictory, and furnishing proof of its vitality in their work. This book brings together the work of more than forty internationally renowned architects who are representative of this revival.
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-2-87939-134-2, 9782879391342
Wydawnictwo: Terrail


James Steele James “Jim Steele (CISSP, MCSE: Security, Security+) has a career rich with experience in the security, computer forensics, network development, and management fields. For over 15 years he has played integral roles regarding project management, syst...

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Architecture of Today Barnsdall House Cyber Crime Investigations
Wszystkie książki James Steele

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