Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male

Malcolm Carruthers
Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male
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§ Discusses the causes of androgen deficiency and the place of questionnaires and laboratory tests in its diagnosis§ Presents a large amount of new data and expert practical advice based on the author's 25 years in this field§ Explores the fluctuating debate over the existence of the andropause and its similarities and differences with the female menopause§ Reviews the different formulations and delivery systems, the research on efficacy and safety of each, and the pharmacokinetics and dosage regimes of testosterone replacement therapy Just what is the andropause? Although acceptance of the andropause concept by the medical community is growing, it is still a hotly debated issue. But as a busy clinician you have patients to treat and you need information. So where can you find the information you need to understand, diagnose, and treat this condition? Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment distills the knowledge acquired by author Dr. Malcolm Carruthers in his 25 years of research and clinical experience in diagnosing and treating the andropause into a comprehensive, detailed clinical resource.Dr. Carruthers documents the history of the search for testosterone treatment from antiquity to the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Adolf Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka for synthesizing testosterone and patenting its production some 4,000 years later. He discusses the causes of androgen deficiency, the male menopause or andropause, and recent advances in its diagnosis. The text includes reviews of the literature in each section and a fund of bibliographic references gleaned from the author's years of research in this field. This combination of features makes Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment an invaluable and practical clinical guide, a complete and detailed reference volume, and a cohesive and readable textbook.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-84214-032-1, 9781842140321
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.

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