An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations

Ravi P. Agarwal, Donal O’Regan
An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
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Ordinary differential equations serve as mathematical models for many exciting real world problems. Rapid growth in the theory and applications of differential equations has resulted in a continued interest in their study by students in many disciplines. This textbook organizes material around theorems and proofs, comprising of 42 class-tested lectures that effectively convey the subject in easily manageable sections. The presentation is driven by detailed examples that illustrate how the subject works. Numerous exercise sets, with an "answers and hints" section, are included. The book further provides a background and history of the subject.
Data wydania: 2008-07-29
ISBN: 978-0-387-71275-8, 9780387712758
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Springer
Stron: 334


Ravi P. Agarwal Ravi P. Agarwal
Urodzony 10 lipca 1947 roku w Indiach
Ravi P. Agarwal received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India. He is a professor of mathematics at the Florida Institute of Technology. His research interests include numerical analysis, inequalities, fixed...

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