Buergenthal Thomas
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At the age of ten Thomas Buergenthal arrived at Auschwitz after survivingthe Ghetto of Kielce and two labour camps, and was soon separated from hisparents. Using his wits and some remarkable strokes of luck, he managed tosurvive until he was liberated from Sachsenhausen in 1945. Afterexperiencing the turmoil of Europe's post-war years - from the Battle ofBerlin, to a Jewish orphanage in Poland - Buergenthal went to America inthe 1950s at the age of seventeen. He eventually became one of the world'sleading experts on international law and human rights. His story ofsurvival and his determination to use law and justice to prevent furthergenocide is an epic and inspirational journey through 20th Centuryhistory. His book is both a special historical document and a greatliterary achievement, comparable only to Primo Levi's masterpieces.
ISBN: 978-1-84668-185-1, 9781846681851
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Profile Books

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