In A Clearing in the Woods, landscape photographer Roger Foley bringsluxuriant green spaces, quiet water features, and colorful plantings tolife. Over the past thirty years, he has collaborated with many notedlandscape designers and architects, many of whom have transformed theprofession with radical experimentation and diverse ideas to create acontemporary approach to garden design.A Clearing in the Woods presents twenty-six gardens across the UnitedStates: seaside and mountain, desert and countryside, urban and rural.Foley's exquisite photographs illuminate the work of such designers asRaymond Jungles, Edwina von Gal, Charles Stick, and Oehme, van Sweden &Associates. This remarkable blend of designers and projects—withstyles ranging from classically composed geometric gardens to eclecticmodern green spaces—represents the diversity of contemporarylandscape design. Descriptions of each garden complement the visualpresentation, highlighting sources of inspiration and design intent.