The #1 A+Exam Guide completely revised and updated to cover all the new exam areas. More than 380,000 units of the previous editions sold to date! Completely revised and updated to cover all the new exam areas and to give the book a more comprehensive, even flow of coverage. Itżs the most thorough revision yet! Additional coverage of how exam objective topics relate to the real business worldżs use of the technology, including PDAs, multimedia, etc. Key points to be added at the end of the chapters to give the readers a quick review of what they need for the exams CD-ROM will include self-assessment engine with six full practice exams, LearnKey video presentation from Michael Meyers, and a collection of Mikeżs favorite shareware and freeware PC tools & utilities Revised artwork will update the look of the book as well as ensure that the overall quality of the illustrations and photographs is the highest possible