21st Century Journalism in India

N. Rajan
21st Century Journalism in India
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This book looks at the practices and theories of journalism in the 21st century and many of the issues discussed here do not form part of any previously published book on the Indian media. The volume is remarkable in that practicing journalists have turned the spotlight on their own profession. The volume is thematically divided into four sections: - Representing the unrepresented: deals with media representation (or lack of it) of largely ignored sections of society, such as homosexuals, Dalits and other minorities or weaker groups. - The plurality of practice: studies the coverage of vital areas such as economics, legal issues, science, arts and culture, and humour. - Media in perspective: looks at different kinds of journalistic practices, including photojournalism. - Future trends: discusses newer forms of journalism, like blogging.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-7619-3562-9, 9780761935629
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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