This full edition of Wordsworth's poetical works shows how the poet wasmuch influenced by the events of the French revolution in his youth,breaking away from the artificial diction of the Augustan and...
Edited now for the first time by Duncan Wu, it provides students and general readers alike with an approachable introduction to Wordsworth's greatest work.
Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a unique work of literature. first published in 1798, it marked a radical change in the direction of English Literature. Lyrical Ba...
Wordsworth's poems, more often than not written at his home in Grasmere inthe beautiful English Lake District, are lyrical evocations of nature anddivinity, and have a force and clarity of language th...
Klasyka na e-czytnik to kolekcja lektur szkolnych, klasyki literatury polskiej, europejskiej i amerykańskiej w formatach ePub i Mobi. Również miłośnicy filozofii, historii i literatury staropolskiej z...
Zbytnio nam ciąży świat; o każdej porze,
Biorąc czy dając, tracimy coś z siebie;
Przyroda rzadko służy nam w potrzebie;
Każdy odrzuca serce jak zepsuty orzech!