This text by Terence Wise explores some of the fascinating peoples who comprised the ancient armies of the Middle East: the Sumerians, who were the first to introduce the use of bronze into warfare, a...
In this third of three volumes examining the flags of the Napoleonic Wars [Men-at-Arms 77, 78 and 115] Terence Wise details colours, standards and guidons of Anhalt, Kleve-Burg, Brunswick, Denmark, Fi...
Almost continual warfare raged in Europe during the period 1300-1500. These wars were the furnaces in which many of the modern European nations were forged. Parallel with this emergence of the nations...
Coats of arms were at first used only by kings and princes, then by their great nobles, but by the mid-13th century arms were being used extensively by the lesser nobility, knights and those who later...
Dzieje wojny Dwóch Róż krwawego i przeciągającego się konfliktu dynastycznego między rodami Yorków i Lancastrów są owiane mnóstwem mitów i zmyśleń. Fascynująca publikacja autorstwa Terence'a Wise'a uj...