Tamsyn Muir to nowozelandzka pisarka fantasy, science fiction i horroru. Muir zdobyła nagrodę Locus 2020 za swoją pierwszą powieść, Gideon the Ninth, a także była nominowana do kilku innych nagród.
Jeden z najciekawszych debiutów fantasy ostatnich lat. Książka uhonorowana Nagrodą Locusa i Crawford Fantasy Award, a także nominowana do wielu innych nagród literackich, m.in. Nebuli, Hugo, Dragon i...
She answered the Emperor's call. She arrived with her arts, her wits, and her only friend. In victory, her world has turned to ash. After rocking the cosmos with her deathly debut, Tamsyn Mu...
Her city is under siege. The zombies are coming back. And all Nona wants is a birthday party. In many ways, Nona is like other people. She lives with her family, has a job at her local school, and...