In a fantasy series, teenagers with magical gifts are surrounded by a world of royalty, mystery, and power. They find that they must rely on each other as friends and teachers, in order to use their u...
Daja and Frostpine expect to spend some peaceful weeks with old friends in Namorn. But things begin to go awry as soon as they arrive. First Daja discovers that their hosts' twin daughters are mages. ...
The breathtaking conclusion to Pierce's The Circle Opens quartet is now available in mass market paperback.
Circle of Magic is an enthralling fantasy quartet series appealing to both boys and girls. Herein are the adventures of Daja, Briar, Tris, and Sandry, four children who are brought to Winding Circle T...
Daja is a misfit child with special powers. She was sent into exile by her people, the Traders. When a deadly fire threatens the Traders' village, Daja must decide if she will save her people and, eve...
Briar, a magician in training, discovers a victim of a strange disease, who turns out to be impervious to every spell. Can Briar strengthen her powers in time to save the innocent?Page Turners Readers...
Tamora Pierce brings readers another Tortall adventure! Alianne is the teenage daughter of the famed Alanna, the first lady knight in Tortall. Young Aly follows in the quieter footsteps of her father,...