Volume 1, The Aborigines of Sakhalin, contains translations into English of the Polish, Russian and Japanese material on, for example, the history, folklore, economic life, shamanism, sexual life, med...
Volume 2, Materials for the Study of Ainu Language and Folklore, contains a reprint of the classic 1912 Cracow edition with an Ainu-English index with indication of frequency and occurrence, a reverse...
Volume 3 is devoted exclusively to B. Piłsudski's Ainu-related materials, for their most part previously unpublished. In addition, it comprises Piłsudski's research reports on his expeditions, a super...
Drugi tom wydawanej wspólnie z Narodowym Instytutem Muzealnictwa i Ochrony Zbiorów serii „Pomniki Muzealnictwa Polskiego” skupia się wokół memoriału Bronisława Piłsudskiego, poświęconego Muzeum Tatrz...