Julie Cross

Autorka 3 czytelników
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7.7 /10
3 oceny z 1 książki,
przez 3 kanapowiczów
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Julie Cross
Cykl: Burza, tom 1

Rok 2009. Dziewiętnastoletni Jackson Meyer jest zwyczajnym nastolatkiem, studiuje, ma dziewczynę… i potrafi podróżować w czasie. Lecz ta umiejętność nie ma nic wspólnego z tym, co ogląda się w filmach...

Julie Cross
Cykl: Burza, tom 3

The breathtaking conclusion to the time-travel trilogy that is “both tender and electric” (Publishers Weekly) The battle between the Tempest division and Eyewall comes to a shocking conclusion in thi...

Tomorrow is Today
Tomorrow is Today
Julie Cross
Cykl: Burza, tom 1

The year is 2009. Nineteen-year-old Jackson Meyer is a normal guy… he’s in college, throws lots of parties, is interested in a girl he can’t have, and oh yeah, he can travel back through time. But it’...

Julie Cross
Cykl: Burza, tom 2

Julie Cross's Vortex is the thrilling second installment of the Tempest series, in which the world hangs in the balance as a lovelorn Jackson must choose who to save Jackson Meyer has thrown himself ...

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