A fun and lively game for young children, introducing them to the vividimaginary world at their fingertips. Part of a bright and lively series ofboard books that work like a game. A vibrant riot of co...
An imaginative game of storytelling and adventure for little children. Partof a bright and lively series of board books that work like a game. Avibrant riot of colours and shapes from best-selling ill...
An inventive game of storytelling with shadows Part of a bright and livelyseries of board books that work like a game. A vibrant riot of colours andshapes from best-selling illustrator, Herve Tullet. ...
A creative game of turn the flaps, in which children can create their ownpaintings. Part of a bright and lively series of board books that work likea game. A vibrant riot of colours and shapes from be...
A bright, interactive game of spot the difference. Part of a bright andlively series of board books that work like a game. A vibrant riot ofcolours and shapes from best-selling illustrator, Herve Tull...
Paski, kreski, szlaczki wstążki wypełniają karty książki. Przewracaj strony, podziwiaj wzory, komponuj własne liniowe twory! Książeczka całokartonowa