Nominowany w 2022 r. do Nagrody Bookera Znachodź to zanurzona w brytyjskim folklorze, baśniowo-filozoficzna przypowieść wpisująca się w tradycję filozoficznych zagadek literackich. Bohaterem książki ...
On a gloomy day in Manchester, Roland, Helen, Nicholas and David are luredinto a ruined church, where the fabric of time and place is weak enough toallow them into the twilight world of Elidor. It is ...
The flowery owl pattern on the old dinner service, which Gwyn finds in aloft, obsesses Alison. Its discovery marks the start of an extraordinarychain of events that affect not only Gwyn and Alison, bu...
Under Orion's stars, bluesilver visions torment Tom, Macey and Thomas asthey struggle with age-old forces. Distanced from each other in time, andisolated from those they live among, they are yet inext...