This mystery is the first in a critically acclaimed series featuring Commissario Guido Brunetti, a man with integrity who uses both a personal moral code and a well-developed sense of cynicism to solv...
Early one morning Guido Brunetti, commissario of the Venetian police, confronts a grisly sight when the body of a young man is fished out of the fetid Venetian canal. All the clues point to a violent ...
The murder of two clam fishermen off the island of Pellestrina, south of the Lido on the Venetian lagoon, draws Commissario Brunetti into the island's close-knit community, bound together by a code of...
Uniform Justice, the latest outing for Donna Leon's creation, Commissario Brunetti, is a prime example of Leon's non pareil scene-setting and brilliantly wrought plots, which often take their own swee...
Ein Fall, der Brunetti näher geht als jeder andere: der vermeintliche Selbstmord eines Jugendlichen, so alt wie sein eigener Sohn. Ein Fall auch, der in eine unheimliche Welt fßhrt: hinter die versc...