James D. Crapo

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Atlas chorób płuc
Atlas chorób płuc
James D. Crapo

"Atlas chorób płuc" pod redakcją Jamesa D. Crapo przedstawia najczęściej spotykane w praktyce klinicznej choroby płuc. Każda jednostka chorobowa została opisana w niezwykle logiczny i przystępny dla c...

Atlas of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Atlas of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
James D. Crapo

"The Atlas of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" is a comprehensive collection of high-quality images covering all areas of COPD. Included are radiographic images, flow charts, schematics, anatomi...

Atlas of Pulmonary Medicine
Atlas of Pulmonary Medicine
James D. Crapo

This new fourth edition of the "Atlas of Pulmonary Medicine" has been updated in content and quality. Now in four-color, the Atlas covers all pertinent areas of pulmonary medicine - asthma, COPD, cyst...

Textbook of Pulmonary Diseases 7e
Textbook of Pulmonary Diseases 7e
James D. Crapo

New edition of a comprehensive overview of pulmonary diseases that supplies enough detail to appeal to the specialist, and enough basic medical science and background discussion to keep a good beginni...

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