Thirteen-year-old Tim discovers he may be the greatest wizard of his time when four strangers introduce him to the world of magic, taking him on a journey through the past, present, future, and Faerie...
Do you believe in magic? Timothy Hunter is just like any other thirteen-year-old boy in London . . . except for the tiny fact that he might be the most powerful magician of his time. An enigmatic ma...
DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? Timothy Hunter is just like any other thirteen-year-old boy in London . . . except for the tiny fact that he might be the most powerful magician of his time. There is a secret...
Do you believe in magic? Timothy Hunter is just like any other thirteen-year-old boy in London . . . except for the tiny fact that he might be the most powerful magician of his time. Tim has decided t...
Timothy Hunter jest na pozór zwyczajnym trzynastolatkiem, ale tak naprawdę ma stać się najpotężniejszym czarodziejem i pewnego dnia przesądzić o wyniku odwiecznej walki dobra i zła. Kiedy tajemniczy p...