Asuka Katsura

Zostań fanem autora:
Komiks , Manga


Blood+ vol. 1
Blood+ vol. 1
Asuka Katsura
Cykl: Blood+, tom 1

Set several decades after the events in the popular Blood: The Last Vampire anime film, an amnesiac Saya Otonashi lives as a seemingly normal high school student with her adoptive family in Okinawa. ...

Blood+ vol. 2
Blood+ vol. 2
Asuka Katsura
Cykl: Blood+, tom 2

aya seems, from all appearances, to be an ordinary teenage girl suffering from amnesia. Living with a foster family just outside an American military base in Okinawa, Japan, she soon discovers that sh...

Blood+ vol. 3
Blood+ vol. 3
Asuka Katsura
Cykl: Blood+, tom 3

This third, pivotal volume reveals one of the biggest secrets in the Blood+ mythos — but you'll have to wade through plenty of violence, betrayal, and sacrifice before you get there! Hagi shows just h...

Blood+ vol. 4
Blood+ vol. 4
Asuka Katsura
Cykl: Blood+, tom 4

The dreadful Diva sends her chevaliers to kidnap Riku, Saya's adoptive brother, from the Red Shield's ocean-liner headquarters. New secrets from Saya and Hagi's past lives are revealed, as their prese...

Blood+ vol.5
Blood+ vol.5
Asuka Katsura
Cykl: Blood+, tom 5

Chiropterans run wild - and Saya comes into her own as a single-minded killing machine Three months after the demolition of Red Shield headquarters, Saya is more intent than ever to rid the globe of a...

Portret małej Cossette vol 1
Portret małej Cossette vol 1
Asuka Katsura

Eiri Kurahashi jest utalentowanym studentem Akademii Sztuk Pięknych. Aby zarobić trochę pieniędzy, pracuje w wolnych chwilach w sklepie z antykami swojego wuja. Pewnego wieczoru Eiri znajduje piękny ...

Portret małej Cossette vol 2
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