Set several decades after the events in the popular Blood: The Last Vampire anime film, an amnesiac Saya Otonashi lives as a seemingly normal high school student with her adoptive family in Okinawa. ...
aya seems, from all appearances, to be an ordinary teenage girl suffering from amnesia. Living with a foster family just outside an American military base in Okinawa, Japan, she soon discovers that sh...
This third, pivotal volume reveals one of the biggest secrets in the Blood+ mythos — but you'll have to wade through plenty of violence, betrayal, and sacrifice before you get there! Hagi shows just h...
The dreadful Diva sends her chevaliers to kidnap Riku, Saya's adoptive brother, from the Red Shield's ocean-liner headquarters. New secrets from Saya and Hagi's past lives are revealed, as their prese...
Chiropterans run wild - and Saya comes into her own as a single-minded killing machine Three months after the demolition of Red Shield headquarters, Saya is more intent than ever to rid the globe of a...
Eiri Kurahashi jest utalentowanym studentem Akademii Sztuk Pięknych. Aby zarobić trochę pieniędzy, pracuje w wolnych chwilach w sklepie z antykami swojego wuja. Pewnego wieczoru Eiri znajduje piękny ...