After 150 years of Terraforming, Aqua, the formerly planet known as Mars, now has more than 90 percent of its surface covered in water. A young girl named Akari Mizunashi arrives at the city of Neo-Ve...
After 150 years of Terraforming, Aqua, the formerly planet known as Mars, now has more than 90 percent of its surface covered in water. A young girl named Akari Mizunashi arrives at the city of Neo-Ve...
On the planet Aqua, a world once known as Mars, Akari Mizunashi has just made her home in the town of Neo-VENEZIA, a futuristic imitation of the ancient city of Venice. The technology of "Man Home" (f...
On the planet Aqua, a world once known as Mars, Akari Mizunashi has just made her home in the town of Neo-VENEZIA, a futuristic imitation of the ancient city of Venice. The technology of "Man Home" (f...
At a barbecue party to celebrate the start of spring, Aika's new hairstyle accidentally catches fire. After Akari and Alice help trim her hair, Aika admits she had grown it longer to be like Alicia. A...
At the start of summer, Akari learns her training gondola is too worn-out and must be sold as a freight hauler. Akari takes it on a tour of places where she has special memories it was involved in, an...
At the start of autumn, when Akari notices that Aria Company's distinctive palina (pole for hitching boats) is rotting away, Alicia asks her to make a replacement. Akari designs and paints one based o...
At the start of winter, Akira and Athena visit Aria Company to give Alicia a birthday present, but the latter is too busy with customers. Akari asks Akira if she will supervise her gondola practice, a...
At the start of spring, after watching Alice row and Akari make friends easily, Aika wonders how Akira had felt about being grouped with such natural talents as Athena and Alicia. Akira says that it w...
At the start of summer, Akari meets a man with two dolls, one smiling and one frowning, which he claims reflects human nature. After hearing Singles gossip about Alice's promotion to Prima ahead of Ai...