Anthony Stevens
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Anthony Stevens

Autor, 92 lata
Urodzony 27 marca 1933 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii (Exeter)
Anthony Stevens jest jungowskim analitykiem, psychiatrą i pisarzem książek i artykułów na temat psychoterapii, psychiatrii ewolucyjnej i naukowych implikacji teorii archetypów Junga. Jest absolwentem Oxford University i oprócz DM ma dwa stopnie psychologii.


Core Pathology
Core Pathology
Anthony Stevens

The new edition of this text helps you make the most of your study time by focusing on only the core basics of pathology needed for course work or exams...while avoiding in-depth details. Nearly 800 f...

Human Histology 2e
Human Histology 2e
Anthony Stevens

This textbook was developed to respond to the increasing focus on cell biology and clinical material in today's histology courses. The book integrates concise text, excellent quality colour and black-...

Roots of War and Terror
Roots of War and Terror
Anthony Stevens

In The Roots of War and Terror, psychiatrist Anthony Stevens provides insights into the nature and origins of armed conflict, locating the problem primarily in the psychology and anatomy of the human ...

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