Winnie Says Cheese

L. Owen
Winnie Says Cheese
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If you think you know Winnie the Witch, think again! In 'Winnie and the Toof Fairy' you'll find out what Winnie does when she realises she's not the only one with the ability to wave a wand; in 'Winnie's One-Witch Band' she tries to match Wilbur's musical talents; in 'Itchy Witchy' Winnie takes Wilbur (and his fleas) to the pet show; and in 'Winnie Says Cheese' Winnie and Wilbur take some supremely silly snapshots to add to their photo album. Four crazily funny stories featuring everyone's favourite witch, her big black cat, Wilbur, and a zany supporting cast of new characters. Korky Paul's exuberant black line illustrations complement the humour, slapstick, and moments of real drama that run through each story. Pure magic!
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-19-272751-0, 9780192727510
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press

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