The eighth printing of Volume II of WHO WAS WHO IN AMERICA has been issued to supply the continuous demand for this volume by reference users. The sketches are those of deceased biographees in Who's Who in America.The WAS books (to use the shortened form by which they are perhaps better known) display the distinctive characteristics that have made Who's Who in America both an internationally respected reference work and a household word in the country of its origin. Sketches not only were prepared from information supplied by the biographees themselves, but were approved and frequently revised by the subjects before being printed in a Marquis publication. As a result, many sketches contain personal data unavailable elsewhere. The preface to the first volume of Who's Who in America selected this fact as one of that volume's outstanding characteristics, and stated: The book is autobiographical, the data having been obtained from first hand.. Similarly, WHO WAS WHO IN AMERICA is also largely autobiographical. Although condensed to the concise style that Marquis Who's Who, Inc. has made famous, the sketches contain the essential facts. Inclusion of date of death and place of interment completes the sketches.The result is far more then a biographical directory of some 105,000 deceased American notables within the covers of eight volumes. WHO WAS WHO IN AMERICA contains a vital portion of American history from the early days of the colonies to mid-1981. It is the autobiography of America.