Janet Paisley
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Anne Farquharson is a Highland girl - tempestuous, bold, determined to beher own woman. Yet the clan Farquharson is threatened. The Highlandssuffer at the domineering hand of English King George, while there arerumours that Bonnie Prince Charlie, exiled to France, is raising an armyin a bid for the throne. When Anne marries a clan chief and creates ashaky alliance, she is doing more than taking his bed. Soon she is drawninto the heart of a brutal and bloody conflict, and as the Jacobiterebellion escalates, she and her husband find themselves on opposite sidesof the battlefield. "White Rose Rebel" is inspired by the true story of aHighland heroine who risked everything for her country and its rightfulking.
ISBN: 978-0-14-102679-4, 9780141026794
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books

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