Whispers of Darkness

Rachel M. Raithby
Whispers of Darkness
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All Lexia ever wanted was to graduate from high school and leave Deadwood. Now she would give anything to have her quiet life back. With her Father murdered, and her best friend, Alice, kidnapped, life is anything but simple. Despite the odds, Lexia and Lincoln, the panther shifter she has fallen in love with, rescue Alice. On their journey, Lexia meets the one person she least expected ever to see again, her mother. Seemingly abandoned as a baby, secrets unravel and Lexia learns who she really is. Her mother created her and she was created for one purpose only… Darkness. Only one thing is certain, sacrifices will be made and lives will be lost.  
Data wydania: 2014-02-23
ISBN: 978-1-310-71499-3, 9781310714993
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Smashwords Edition
Cykl: The Deadwood Hunter, tom 2
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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Rachel M. Raithby
Lexia thought she was normal, ordinary... Lincoln thought he'd spend the rest of his life seeking r...
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