What Remains

Carole Radziwill
What Remains
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"What Remains" begins with loss and returns to loss. A small plane plunges into the ocean, carrying John Kennedy and Carolyn, Carole Radziwill's cousins-in-law and closest friends. Three weeks later Carole's husband, Anthony, nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, died. He was diagnosed with cancer shortly before their wedding and his illness became the focal point of their five-year marriage. The summer of the plane crash, the four friends were meant to be cherishing Anthony's last days. Instead, Carole and Anthony mourned John and Carolyn, even as Carole planned her husband's memorial. This is a candid, intimate and compelling story of love, loss and, ultimately, resilience.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-4165-2197-6, 9781416521976
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: PocketBooks

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