We Got Fired & It's the Best Thing That Ever

H. MacKay
We Got Fired & It's the Best Thing That Ever
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No fight left? No future? Does the handwriting on the wall say utter failure?
Harvey Mackay, one of the world’s best-selling motivational and business authors tells you why it isn’t so. He reveals anecdotes and secrets from some of the best and brightest headliners in our world today. Their gripping accounts show that no one is immune to bad judgment or backstabbing. In colorful detail, these remarkable success stories reveal what the best of the best did to get back on top.
Each story tells a unique tale and contains valuable lessons that are applicable to any reader who wants his or her career to flourish; indeed, this is the book that will inspire, instill hope . . . and give more than a glimpse into what makes these stalwarts strong.
When Fortune magazine called Mackay “Mister Make-Things-Happen,” it was right on the money–getting this amazing group of people from various walks of life to talk openly about their abilities to bounce back shows him to be a master at getting people to divulge some of their defeats and their dreams.
Hopeful, tough-minded, and filled with indispensable advice, We Got Fired! . . . And It’s the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Us will show anyone how to turn a modern bummer into a major blessing. It’s a rarity: a sure thing in our shaky times.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-345-47186-4, 9780345471864
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Ballantine

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