Our cry should be listened to by the whole worldA" - Mathambo Sesana, (San)Bushman, Botswana From the frozen taiga of Siberia to the rainforest of theAmazon and the bushland of Botswana, We Are One celebrates theextraordinary diversity of tribal peoples - their cultures, values andbeliefs - and the fragile, wild beauty of the homelands to which many arestill so intimately connected. This book aims to create a sense ofsolidarity with tribal peoples, promoting the message that they are equalto us: just as modern, just as much part of the 21st century and with justas much right to live in peace. We Are One creates a greater sense ofwonder and respect for the world's tribes and their natural environments,and will emphasise the importance of what they have to teach us in termsof the many humanitarian and environmental issues inherent in their - andour - survival. We Are One is an international collaboration betweentribal people, philosophers, journalists, academics, anthropologists,environmentalists and photojournalists, all brought together in support ofindigenous tribes. Contributions will cover the myriad diverse themesinherent in tribal cultures, touching upon topics such as culturaldiversity, tribal languages, the eco-systems of rainforests, tribalbotanical knowledge, the art and wisdom of shamans, the instinctive tribalprinciples of balance and sustainability, the reverence for andguardianship of Mother Earth, the traditional values of reciprocity,community spirit and collective thinking and the richly colourfulfestivals, ceremonies and ancestral rituals. Written contributions includeNoam Chomsky, Claude Levi-Strauss, Bruce Parry, Satish Kumar, Wade Davis,Robin Hanbury-Tenison and Richard Gere, to name but a few. Likewise, alarge number of award-winning photographers have agreed to allow theirwork to be reproduced in this book, including Sebastiao Salgado, YannArthus-Bertrand and Steve McCurry. We Are One is both a celebration of thefragile beauty of the world's remaining tribes, and a powerful call toarms. All royalties go to Survival International to help fund theircampaigning for the rights of tribal peoples worldwide