Vlsi-Design of Non-Volatile Memories

G. Campardo
Vlsi-Design of Non-Volatile Memories
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"VLSI-Design for Non-Volatile Memories" is intended for electrical engineers and graduate students who want to enter into the integrated circuit design world. Non-volatile memories are treated as an example to explain general design concepts. Practical illustrative examples of non-volatile memories, including flash types, are showcased to give insightful examples of the discussed design approaches. A collection of photos is included to make the reader familiar with silicon aspects. Throughout all parts of this book, the authors have taken a practical and applications-driven point of view, providing a comprehensive and easily understood approach to all the concepts discussed. Giovanni Campardo and Rino Micheloni have a solid track record of leading design activities at the STMicroelectronics Flash Division. David Novosel is President and founder of Intelligent Micro Design, Inc., Pittsburg, PA.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-3-540-20198-4, 9783540201984
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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