Victorian Vision the Inventing New Britain

John M. MacKenzie
Victorian Vision the Inventing New Britain
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By the time Queen Victoria died in 1901, transport, communications, the global economy, and many aspects of social life were recognisably similar to those of our own day. These revolutionary developments are thoroughly explored in the book's three major sections: society, technology and the world. The contributors, all experts in their fields, consider the ideas, products, inventions and social changes wrought by the Victorians, while chapters on the Far East, India, Africa and Australasia explore their interest in the wider world. Throughout the book an array of wonderful contemporary photographs, posters, paintings, sculpture, domestic ephemera, costume, medical equipment and many other images complement the lively and informative text.
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-1-85177-328-2, 9781851773282
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: V & A Publication

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